This is important! :D Here we go!
My given name is Pambudi A. Wardhani but the name that is so attached to me from the childhood is Adit. I don’t really know how it came that way but once I asked my dad and he told me that I was so tiny and there you go… Adit! Confused? Me too! Ask my older sisters to answer this question of where Adit came from.
this would be me! |
And sure some people have heard about budle. So, who is budle and what’s the story behind it? Well, budle is me, and it’s my virtual name. I got the name in my junior high when a classmate called me Budi and wrote budie in a piece of paper. Another classmate pronounced it budle and the pudle came after in purpose to put “the dog” meaning which was very rude that time. I like the rhyme, I use it until now.
Live in a Javanese culture environment and now study for business major in an International Program of Universitas Islam Indonesia which I’m very proud of. Raised by two very conservative parents and now live with them. The only son in my family with three sisters (+1)... Well, sometimes, I understand the feminines better...
Uhm… I love arts in many forms and I like following norms not rules. And ummh…. Hi! Nice to meet you then!